

The best clinical support for our care delivery

Our Carers rely on the support of qualified and experienced Nurses to support vulnerable people in their communities, whether that support is in the form of hands-on care with clients who have more complex needs, or managing a client caseload to ensure that we have the right people, delivering the right care.

Lead Nurse

Our Clinical Lead Nurses have a diverse and satisfying role, with support from an experienced, approachable and cohesive team. Delivering regional support, they help develop and support vulnerable people by organising care plans and ensuring that their complex needs are met. Lead Nurses also enable Carers to develop their own careers, by providing the support and training they need to do so.

Direct Care Nurse

Responsible for delivering hands-on care to service-users with complex care needs, Direct Care Nurses work exclusively with one person to deliver their specific care package. This role sees our Nurses work closely alongside community based carers.

Get the support you need to do the job you love

We understand the importance of supporting our Clinical teams; that’s why we provide development days, support with re-validation, team meetings, regular supervision and regular interaction, all with the aim of helping you to develop your career.

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